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A Comprehensive Guide to Stick War Legacy Tips, Walkthrough and StrategiesWalkthrough

Are you ready to dominate the battlefield and defeat your enemies in Stick War Legacy? Look no further! This comprehensive guide is your ultimate resource for strategies and tips to help you emerge victorious. If you’re a seasoned player looking to sharpen your skills or a beginner just starting, this blog post has everything you need to become a stick war legend. Let’s dive in and master the art of war together!

Stick War Legacy Basic Units Strategies

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Due to their low built cost and less time to build, Swordwrath units are often used in rush ta

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean diam dolor, accumsan sed rutrum vel, dapibus et leo.



  • Start by building as many miners as you can to boost your gold production.
  • Upgrade your miners to make them work faster and more efficiently. Play it safe in the early game to avoid unnecessary battles and focus on gathering resources.
  • Keep adding more miners to your workforce and grab additional gold mines if possible.
miner icon


  • To counter the Miners of enemy units, hit them hard and fast with an early rush using units like Swordwrath to disrupt their mining.
  • Mix up your units to attack their miners and defend your base at the same time.
  • Keep raiding their mining operations regularly to slow down their economic growth and keep them off balance.



  • Due to their low built cost and less time to build, Swordwrath units are often used in rush tactics to overwhelm opponents early in the game.
  • Large numbers of Swordwrath can be used to swarm and overpower enemy units, particularly effective against single strong units or structures.
  • In the late game, Swordwrath i use them as holding units, providing a fast response force to assist more powerful units or defend key positions.
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  • Archidons and Magikill can easily kill Swordwrath due to their low health.
  • Units with area-of-effect attack abilities like Magikill, and Giant can quickly destroy groups of Swordwrath.
  • Units like Speartons have higher health and damage, making them superior in direct combat.



  • Start training Archidons early to use their superior range attacks effectively on the enemy units.
  • Use upgrades that improve Archidons’ accuracy and damage output to make them inflict more damage in combat.
  • Place Archidons behind your frontline units to protect them from enemy advances while they continue to attack.
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  • Counter Archidons by quickly engaging them with units like Swordwrath or Speartons to minimize their ranged advantage..
  • Focus your attacks on Archidons early in battles to reduce their numbers, and lessen their impact.
  • Use your units’ mobility to maneuver around Archidons, disrupting their positioning and reducing their control over key areas of the battlefield.



  • Speartons are your go-to tanky units. Place them at the front to soak up damage and protect your more fragile units like Archidons and Miners. They’re perfect for creating a solid wall against enemy attacks
  • Make sure to upgrade their armor and shields first. This makes them tougher and better at holding the line, giving your other units a safer environment to attack from.
  • Speartons are great for controlling the battlefield. Use their shield wall ability to block enemy advances and create choke points, slowing down foes and giving your ranged units more time to do damage
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  • Archidons and Magikill are perfect for taking down Speartons. Hit them from a distance since they’re not good at dealing with ranged attacks. Focus your fire to wear them down before they get close.
  • Fast units like Swordwrath can outmaneuver Speartons. Use their speed to dodge attacks and hit them from the sides or back where they’re more vulnerable.
  • Spells like Poison or Fire are great against Speartons. They can bypass the strong defenses and deal continuous damage, making it easier to take them down over time.



  • Magikill excel at taking out groups of enemies with their powerful spells. Keep them safe behind your frontline units and use their area-of-effect spells to wreak havoc on enemy formations.
  • Focus on upgrading the Magikill’s spells to make them even more devastating. Enhanced spells like Blast and Minions can turn the tide of battle, allowing you to handle larger waves of enemies with ease.
  • While Magikill are powerful, they’re also vulnerable. Surround them with sturdy units like Speartons to keep them safe and ensure they can cast their spells without being easily targeted
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  • Magikill have strong spells but weak defenses, so target them with Archidons or other ranged units. Hitting them from a distance will neutralize their threat without putting your melee units at risk.
  • Fast units like Swordwrath can close the distance quickly and take out Magikill before they can cast their spells. Their low health makes them easy targets for swift, concentrated attacks.
  • Use spells like Poison or Fire to keep damaging Magikill and disrupt their casting. Continuous damage can prevent them from effectively using their powerful spells and reduce their impact on the battle.



  • Giants are your heavy hitters and can take a lot of damage. Place them at the front of your army to soak up enemy attacks while dealing massive damage in return. They’re great for breaking through enemy lines and causing chaos.
  • Prioritize upgrading your Giants’ strength and health. This will make them even more formidable on the battlefield, allowing them to dish out and absorb more damage, making them hard to take down.
  • Giants can’t handle everything on their own, so support them with Archidons or Magikill to cover their weaknesses. This combination makes your army more balanced and versatile, handling various threats effectively.
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  • Giants are slow and can be overwhelmed by a swarm of Archidons or other ranged units. Keep your distance and focus your fire to bring them down before they reach your lines.
  • Deploy fast units like Swordwrath to harass and attack Giants from multiple angles. Their speed allows them to dodge the Giant’s slow attacks and wear them down over time.
  • Utilize powerful spells or special attacks to deal continuous or burst damage to Giants. Spells like Poison or Fire can chip away at their health, while high-damage spells can quickly reduce their effectiveness on the battlefield.

Castle Archidon


  • Castle Archidons are your best defense. Place them strategically on your castle to provide long-range support and repel enemy attacks. They make it tough for enemies to get close to your base.
  • Upgrade their range and damage to make them even more effective. With a longer range, Castle Archidons can pick off enemies from afar, and higher damage ensures they take down foes quickly.
  • Pair Castle Archidons with strong ground units like Speartons or Giants. This creates a solid defense line where your ground units handle close-range threats, and Castle Archidons pick off enemies from a distance.
castle archidon


  • Castle Archidons are vulnerable up close. Use fast units like Swordwrath to quickly close the distance and take them out before they can do much damage.
  • Deploy your own Archidons or Magikill to target Castle Archidons from a distance. Focus your fire on them to neutralize their threat without putting your melee units in danger.
  • Use spells like Poison or Fire to keep damaging Castle Archidons and disrupt their attacks. Continuous damage spells can wear them down over time, making it easier for your units to handle them during your assault.

Tips and Tricks to play Stick War: Legacy

In Stick War Legacy, success hinges on mastering gameplay. It’s all about making good decisions from managing your resources effectively to deploying your units. Whether you’re working on increasing your gold production, waiting for the right time to strike, or using spells wisely, every decision shapes your path to victory. These tips and tricks will help you navigate the challenges, empower your army, and lead them to triumph in this strategy game.

Prioritize Gold Production

Start by increasing your miner count early on to ensure a steady flow of gold. Aim for 2-3 miners initially, then expand to 3-4 as the battle intensifies. In Stick War Legacy, Tips are to create a couple of extra miners early on, which results in having enough resources to train more units and upgrade your troops. As the battle passes, consider adding even more miners to keep that gold flowing. With a strong economic foundation, you’ll be able to build your army for a longer time and stay ahead of your enemies.

Time and Plan Your Attacks

Avoid early rushes and wait until you have 10-12 units before attacking. This ensures you have a stronger force to withstand enemy defenses. The trick is not to attack until you have sufficient force. Beginners make a mistake by sending swordwrath to destroy the statue. Big mistake – who was fair game for the enemy’s units, the archidon, speartons. What to do then, regardless of level, is to wait until you’ve got at minimum 10-12 units created. But in many cases, the enemy will attack with an army of stick men and you’ll have to go on defense, and can use castle archidons for initial defense but if you’re able to form an army of a minimum of 10-12 units, you can send them off, and take the first crack at their statue

Maintain a Balanced Formation Of Army

Always deploy a mix of melee fighters (like Swordwraths or Speartons) in the front and ranged units (like Archidons) in the rear. This setup allows melee units to absorb damage while ranged units attack safely.If you are planning to defend, attack, or counter-attack, you need to have a balanced force comprising different units. This means Swordwrath, Speartons, Giant in front and archidons and magikill in the back. The front units in front can inflict more damage front while defending themselves. On the other hand, archidons can shoot from behind similarly magikill can produce zombies and will be shielded from enemy attacks.

Planned Retreats

When your melee forces are depleted, retreat to your castle to replenish and reinforce. Protect your more expensive ranged units by avoiding unnecessary losses. When you can get a good attack at the enemy statue and other units and can inflict heavy losses during your attack. But resultantly, you’ll notice that your fighting force is reducing in numbers, naturally taken out by enemy units. The moment that happens, don’t continue the attack and retreat to your castle, and while doing that, train more units to replenish your lost men. The last thing you want is for the enemy to take the attack to your premium units; these units, after all, require more gold for training and take longer time to build. The tip and trick are to use castle archidons effectively here.

Armory Upgrades

Use upgrade points to enhance your units, focusing on improving ranged units and defensive capabilities first. Balance upgrades wisely to maintain a strong defense. Upgrade your units after completing a mission/level in the game. Upgrade points are given after each mission/level to improve all your fighting units. If you want to get an answer to upgrade which units, then the answer is to upgrade both defensive units as well as ranged units. You want your ranged fighters to enhance their skills and health, and as far as defense is concerned, you know how the saying goes – Attack is the best form of defense but defensive forces have to get stronger to withstand sudden attacks. That said, always maintain a good balance for most of your upgrades, with the lowest priority at first going to your statue’s hit points. As long as you’re able to follow the tips and strategy above and fight smartly, your statue shouldn’t be at any risk of being attacked by the enemy.

Use Power ups

power ups purchase tips strategy
Power ups Purchases

Gems are available in the game which are earned through achievements in the game. Gems can be used to purchase power ups in the game. Save gems for powerful spells that provide significant advantages. Avoid spending on cheaper spells impulsively; use them strategically to turn the tide of battle when necessary. Different power ups are suited for varying situation use them wisely. To extract gold fast when you are short use Miner Hustle, Lightning storm can be call to inflict heavy damage on all units. Varying abilities power ups are available.

Final Verdict

In Stick War Legacy, winning battles comes down to mastering the ins and outs of each unit’s strengths and weaknesses. Whether you’re using Giants to smash through enemy lines, Magikill to control the battlefield with their spells, or Castle Archidons to hold the fort from a distance, knowing how to deploy and counter these units effectively is crucial. Keep your gold production steady, upgrade your units smartly, and stay flexible with your strategies. To Know how to use mod APK with full guide. These tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to outsmarting your opponents and leading your stickmen to victory. Keep practicing, learn from each battle, and soon, you’ll be unstoppable in Stick War Legacy.

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